Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Time to pack!

Last night Karen, Susan, Nicky, Jennifer, Katherine, and I met at the church to pack our supplies for the trip.  Since Bulgaria doesn't have a Walmart, we have to pre-purchase everything and strategically pack it in extra suitcases to carry with us.  Our first year we each took an extra suitcase which was slightly overwhelming when you have 10 people with 20 suitcases in a foreign country for the first time. This year we have managed to pack supplies for 60 kids in only 5 extra suitcases (don't worry Wayne, you don't have to carry an extra one).  Here are some pictures from last night's packing party!

 And while it looks like I am not working, I was in fact looking up the dimensions for suitcases...Katherine on the other hand...hmmmmm

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