Sunday, July 15, 2012


Where is Bulgaria?
What's in Bulgaria?
What do you do there?
Why do you go back every year?
Why do you want to help those children?

We get asked these—and many more—questions anytime we mention our trip to Lom. And today, when Beth—a member from the UK team—spoke at church she put it perfectly… 

We have been loved, so therefore we go to love.

Love is not just a feeling.  It’s an action.  When we are hot, sweaty, and tired it’s love for these children that keeps us going. We don’t just paint fingernails and braid hair because it’s fun and pretty, it’s how we show love.  When we hand the older boys paintbrushes and trust that they will paint the wall and not each other, we are showing them love.  When we work alongside them teaching them a new skill, we show love.   When they are fighting over jump ropes or markers, we show love through our patience.  And it’s love that you show through your support and prayers.

It’s hard to imagine never experiencing love.  But sadly, some of these kids have families that just don’t love them.  In addition, they live in a country that has turned their back on them and refuses to accept them just because of the way they look. 

Over the past five years, we have seen a group of kids grow in their ability to love, trust, and do good despite the hardships that they face.  Although we are only here a week and speak very little Bulgarian, we speak the language of love. 

It doesn’t take a translator to give a hug and a smile.

Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.

1 John 3:18

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